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Infinite Solar Energy
How does the Lake Michelle Eco-estate Sewage Management System Achieve Innovative Solar Powewred Solutions?
27 2024-12-20
Project Location:
Cape Town, South Africa
Project Introduction:
In December 2024, the solar sewage recycling system project of Lake Michelle Eco-estate, organized and implemented by AWPower, Solartech partner in Cape Town, South Africa, with product and technical support from Solartech, was successfully delivered to the owner after acceptance.
Solartech's R&D and technical support team supported and cooperated with AWPower engineers to successfully design and implement customized solar sewage recycling systems for 6 pumping stations. Each pumping station is equipped with 2 Solartech PB-G3 series Smart Pro solar pumping inverters, which are connected to multiple pumps that move water between the main lake and ponds to maintain water quality and remove sewage. All operating data information of the system is transmitted to the cloud-based information storage and reporting system through a built-in wireless communication module connected to the cellular network, allowing comprehensive remote monitoring of the pumping station. What is more, when solar power generation reaches its peak in the Summer, the excess power generation can be exported to the grid.
Social Benefits:
This innovative solution not only meets the sustainable development goals of the Lake Michel Eco-estate, but also ensures a reliable and efficient water management system.
Case Pictures:
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