At the beginning of the new year in 2024, a village located in the Kyegegwa district of western Uganda received good news, which was the completion and commissioning of the solar domestic water supply project funded by the Office of the Prime Minister of Uganda.
The project uses
Solartech PB-G3 series 5.5kW solar borehole pump system, with a total water head of about 140 meters. Under solar power supply condition, the average daily water flow exceeds 50 cubic meters. In order to cope with the peak water usage in the morning and afertnoon in future, the system can be
backuped fuel generators to meet more water demands. When there is a backup power supply from a diesel generator, solar power generation is still tracked in MPPT mode. The solar pumping inverter sends a control signal to start or stop the diesel generator, automatically switching the power supply status based on the sunshine status, maximizing the use of solar power generation, saving diesel consumption, and reducing project investment and operating costs.
Thanks to the operation of the project,
the living water supply in the village, especially the difficulty of clean drinking water for villagers, has been greatly improved.