Application Field


Infinite Solar Energy
Solar Pumping System for Drinking Water Project
146 2013-09-21
Project Location:
TaoLinTaLa Branch, XiMengBaYanXiLe Pasture, Inner Mongolia.
Project Introduction:
The project was installed in the late of December, 2013 in Xilinhot which was known as the Pearl of Grassland. The depth of well that provide drinkable water range from 45 meters to 85 meters in this area. Because of vast pasture, scattered people and high cost for public grid, as well as the sharing of serious electrical loss, residents are still suffering from lacking of electricity. The local government decided to adopt some environmental schemes that can help local residents with pumping.
Combining actual conditions, they decided to adopt Shenzhen Solartech solar pumping system, the service life of which is about 25 years. The system can not only satisfy residents’ requirement for animal drinking water and family drinking water, but also use the remaining water to irrigate vegetables which enable the local people to have the fresh seasonal vegetables.
Case Pictures:
Solar pumping system
Solar pumping system
Solar pumping system for drinking water project
Solar pumping system for drinking water project
Solar pumping system for drinking water project
Solar pumping system for drinking water project
Solar pumping system for drinking water project
Solar pumping system for drinking water project
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